Forum Replies Created
April 14, 2021 at 10:11 am #10637
ParticipantHi there,
Update version fixed it.
Many thanks !
July 14, 2020 at 5:04 pm #7573gingerbooch
ParticipantHi Andrij,
I didn’t receive any (neither in junk).
Anyway, the most important is you got it.Thank you.
October 8, 2018 at 7:24 pm #6252gingerbooch
ParticipantOk I got it ! Thanks for the filter 🙂
function add_tokens($arr, $ud, $sender, $thread_id) { $arr = array( 'messages.html' => $messageHtml, 'messages.raw' => $messageRaw, '' => $ud->display_name, '' => $sender->display_name, '' => $thread_id, 'thread.url' => esc_url( BP_Better_Messages()->functions->get_link( $user_id ) . '?thread_id=' . $thread_id ), 'subject' => sanitize_text_field( stripslashes( $messages[ 0 ]->subject ) ), 'unsubscribe' => esc_url( bp_email_get_unsubscribe_link( array( 'user_id' => $user_id, 'notification_type' => 'messages-unread', ) ) ) ); return $arr; return $ud; /// return $sender; /// return $thread_id; /// } add_filter( 'bp_better_messages_notification_tokens', 'add_tokens', 10, 4);
September 16, 2018 at 6:01 pm #6242gingerbooch
ParticipantHi @admin,
Thanks for this tip. I tried many times to filter that variable using
I was highly interested on finding a way to use it, I managed to filter easy things previously but this time it is inside an array and I can’t find a solution.
This task is abobe my skill.Can you help me please ?
Thank you
July 16, 2018 at 6:09 pm #6217gingerbooch
ParticipantHi @admin,
Thank you for adding this code to your core version :
/** File : /inc/notifications.php **/ /** Place this under 'thread.url' [...] **/ '' => $thread_id, '' => $sender->display_name,
Can I ask you to add one more row please ?
I have to put it back on every update and I think that could be usefull to others, just to say hello “name” in the notification mail 🙂'' => $ud->display_name,
Thanks !
March 11, 2018 at 11:03 pm #5991gingerbooch
ParticipantMany thanks.
Can you please update your b-quote ?
I think it was terrible ?Everything about « emoji » is not translated.
Nothing about emoji is translated.
March 11, 2018 at 10:53 pm #5989gingerbooch
ParticipantThat’s working thank you !! I love it !!
??Nothing about emoji is translated. Is it possible somewhere ?
I have 2 other little issues ?
– I would like to remove the underline under the menu buttons. I’m not sure if it comes from your css, or Buddypress, or my theme. May I customize it somewhere in your plugin’s directory ?
– The last thing, it happens only with smartphone. When you touch the messaging, it goes to full screen. At this moment, the floating widget of google translate stops responding. Like if it was a layer under yours.
Is there any chance to fix this ?Thanks for your support. ?
March 11, 2018 at 10:28 pm #5987gingerbooch
ParticipantNo I choosed « All current ».
Is this wrong ?March 11, 2018 at 9:21 pm #5983gingerbooch
ParticipantHi @admin,
Thanks for the tip ! The files are in this folder now, with many others, but that’s not working. FYI, there was no previous translation files of bp-better-messages inside this folder.
March 11, 2018 at 6:44 pm #5981gingerbooch
ParticipantHi @admin,
I downloaded the .po and .mo files.
I created a folder named “languages” into “bp-better-messages”.
I renamed the .po and .mo to “bp-better-messages-fr_FR.po” and “”.I don’t see any translation on the frontend. Is there anything else to do like registering the files somewhere ?
Thank you
March 9, 2018 at 7:22 pm #5959gingerbooch
ParticipantHi @admin,
Thank you for those details.
“Are you sure you want to delete %d thread(s) and report?”
Wouldn’t it be logical to write “report(s)” instead of “report” ?
Anyway, I wrote the translation in function of the original text, without the (s).I am done with the French translations of the plugin. I will try to translate the readme as well, when I have time.
March 8, 2018 at 6:11 pm #5942gingerbooch
ParticipantHi @admin,
I am working on the french translation and I have a question.
When you say “Are you sure you want to delete %d thread(s) and report?”Can you tell me what “report” means please ? I am not sure.
Then how long does it take for my translations to be visible on the plugin ?
March 6, 2018 at 1:08 am #5914gingerbooch
ParticipantHi @admin,
Thank you for the path and file name.
Finally I decided to use a dedicated page for messaging.
Is there a way to remove the access from BP Profile ?Then I had those values :
/** File : /inc/notifications.php **/ /** Place this under 'thread.url' [...] **/ '' => $thread_id, '' => $sender->display_name,
Now I can specify the sender’s name inside the mail, and I can use a hard link to only keep the thread number as a variable.
You have a new message from {{{}}} Click on this link to go to the discussion :{{{}}}
That works and solve my redirect after login problem. 🙂
I have another issue 😀 The whole plugin is not translated to the website default language.
I can translate it to french if you need.Thanks 😀
March 4, 2018 at 7:51 pm #5903gingerbooch
ParticipantHi @admin,
I am using Buddypress wich is able to redirect any « me » slug to current user « username ».
I have been testing your link with the slug « me » instead of « username », by editing the html code inside the email (Right clic, inspect element).
This is working. But this is good just for testing.My first question is « why is this happening ? »
I suppose your link is normally working even if the mail recipient is offline from the website while clicking the link.I know the good slug working on my situation but I would need to create an additional tag for this. If possible can you tell me wich file(s) to look at please ?
I think that more tags would be interesting for everyone. To customize the emails better. Like « » for example, or « thread.number » for my actual need ?Actually the best solution for me is to drive the user to the mailbox only, with the hard link :
Thank you for your help